Trail of Two Cities

A show on the history of travel in and between Minneapolis and St. Paul

Dan: “Like many Twin Citians I spend a certain number of hours each week covering those eleven miles that separate downtown St. Paul and downtown Minneapolis. Unlike some, I spend most of these hours on the bicycle, and depending on the day’s schedule I’ll find myself on University Avenue or Lake Street/Marshall or on the Midtown Greenway or on the River Road.

“Biking keeps me in touch with the twists and turns and ups and downs of these two river towns and allows time for the contemplation of such urgent questions as: What was this trip like before the freeway? Before this bridge was here? 50, 100, 150 years ago? By streetcar, by train, horse cart or keelboat? Trail of Two Cities is a musical and photographic ramble through history in search of some answers.”


Trail of Two Cities was written by Dan for the MN Historical Society and performed November 8, 2012 at the Minnesota History Center.

Contact Dan to discuss Trail of Two Cities

Learn more about Dan’s other projects: